Halo Rollover Occupant Protection System


Part No.: TBA
Protect your Most Valuable Assets, Your Workforce!

The HALO™ is designed to maximise the vehicle's own geometry to minimise and evenly distribute the impact forces of a rollover event over the entire vehicle body structure, preventing point loading in any one place.

Concept & Functionality

The HALO™ structure is a high attenuation load offset device and, when attached to a production vehicle roof, reduces the amount of crush and the speed of that same crush when the vehicle experiences a rollover crash to prevent catastrophic and fatal injuries to the occupants.


  • Maintains the vehicle’s roll radius characteristic, allowing the vehicle body to roll smoothly.
  • Distributes the roof loads across the roof surface, allowing for smooth and even roof structure ground loading.
  • Minimises roof intrusion and speed at the A and B pillars, which keeps the roof up and away from the occupants.

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